I indi­cate a price range on my recipes. It is cal­cu­lat­ed for recipes made in Morocco, in rela­tion to the Moroccan cost of liv­ing. A recipe that is expen­sive in Morocco can there­fore be cheap in France, or the oth­er way round. For example

  • pork is very expen­sive in Morocco, since it is import­ed for some for­eign­ers, and there is not much vari­ety in the cuts.
  • Buckwheat flour also costs three arms, and can only be found in spe­cialised organ­ic shops that import it. This makes bli­n­is, which are rather cheap, a lux­u­ry recipe!
  • Local fruit and veg­eta­bles are much cheap­er, as is saf­fron. An omelette with beans and saf­fron is there­fore almost economical.
  • Fish is cheap­er than in Europe, but the price has increased a lot and is there­fore no longer eco­nom­i­cal, unless you live in a coastal town and go to the harbour.
  • Basic poul­try is cheap, but taste­less. A good chick­en bel­di (the equiv­a­lent of farm­house) is expensive.