Bakkoula is a spicy, cooked mallow salad. It's often compared to a spinach salad, but the Moroccan version is better!
I first discovered mallow under its Moroccan name of bakoula. A delicious salad, but since then I've used it in lots of recipes. Here's how to harvest and store it.
A cooking workshop at Dar Bouazza to prepare the F'tour table with "chiiwat Ramadan" from around the world. 2nd March 2024
A gentle heat source to help your sourdough grow: the top of an espresso machine, which normally keeps cups warm.
In Morocco, salted butters are imported and therefore very expensive. Making this delicacy yourself is easy and economical. And you can add the salt of your choice, an added advantage.
I always make too much ratatouille, so I can make this delicious ratatouille quiche the next day. As good as it is quick and easy!
25 grams of sugar added to 250 grams of flour and 125 grams of butter, for a sweet short pastry suitable for desserts.
Shortcrust pastry is very easy to make, you just have to be careful with the temperature of the butter. All the tips for one of the basic pastry recipes.
A classic assortment (fennel and carrots) revisited by a citrus and saffron sauce and a sesame marinated chicken.
For a gourmet snack, a traditional cake transformed by a saffron syrup.