A very refined saf­fron recipe: green tea with saf­fron, flavours that blend togeth­er with subtlety.

Saffron brought wealth and opu­lence to the cities that trad­ed or grew it. And some­times, it even gave them their name!

Sheep rear­ing, from lamb­ing to leg of lamb, ancient recipes recre­at­ed in a series of his­tor­i­cal BBC pro­grammes. While (English) cook­ing is not the main sub­ject of the var­i­ous "Life on the Farm" pro­grammes, it is one of the essen­tial ele­ments, at a time when rur­al com­mu­ni­ties lived in rel­a­tive autarky.

While all saf­frons in the world have the same genet­ic make-up, the soil, pro­duc­tion method, har­vest­ing and post-harvest treat­ment give each pro­duc­tion its specificity.

Saffron appeared more than 4,000 years ago in Asia. There are many leg­ends about its jour­ney, but the his­to­ry of this lux­u­ry prod­uct is well known.