All posts about Saffron

Used for its flavour, colour, fra­grance and med­i­c­i­nal prop­er­ties, saf­fron is one of the world's most expen­sive spices. Grown from India to Morocco, and for­mer­ly in many European coun­tries, and even in the United States.

The saf­fron is a very spe­cial spice, with a taste that evokes hon­ey, with a very strong flavour.

It has a very dis­tinc­tive taste rem­i­nis­cent of hon­ey, with woody and earthy notes. Its devel­op­ment depends on both the way it is dried and the way it is pre­pared for use in cooking.

Le safran en dessert n'est pas réservé aux buns sué­dois ou aux desserts ori­en­taux. Ici il met en valeur la pomme de ce gâteau gourmand.

A very refined saf­fron recipe: green tea with saf­fron, flavours that blend togeth­er with subtlety.

Saffron was so impor­tant to the local econ­o­my of some towns that it is reflect­ed in their names, such as Saffron Walden and Safranbolu

Saffron is an ingre­di­ent that is used in small quan­ti­ties, and its taste is very strong.… when it is of good qual­i­ty. Discover the cri­te­ria to iden­ti­fy a good saffron.