Know your ingredients to cook better

SinceIsabella Beeton , the list of ingre­di­ents is what is pre­sent­ed first in a recipe . The prod­uct, the prod­ucts, are even more impor­tant than the technique.

As soon as you want to cook well, you are inter­est­ed in the ingre­di­ents. Where do they come from, how are they cul­ti­vat­ed / raised, how to rec­og­nize the best qual­i­ties, how to pre­pare them, to pre­serve them …

And then what they bring us, the impact on our health (know­ing that I am con­vinced that there is no bad nat­ur­al prod­uct, if it is con­sumed in a rea­son­able way).

And final­ly, when you live in a place where you can't find "every­thing", with what ingre­di­ent can you replace anoth­er ? Does Romanesco cab­bage real­ly have an inim­itable taste, or is it most­ly dec­o­ra­tive? How to find the taste of daikon, so used in Japanese cui­sine? Are galan­gal and gin­ger inter­change­able ?

Here you will find this infor­ma­tion, and I also tell you about my favorite ingre­di­ents, such as mace or cream!


Saffron is one of the most expen­sive spices in the world, because it can only be har­vest­ed by hand. It is found in many dish­es, in India and Morocco, of course, but also in Europe, where it has been known since antiquity.

While all saf­frons in the world have the same genet­ic make-up, the soil, pro­duc­tion method, har­vest­ing and post-harvest treat­ment give each pro­duc­tion its specificity.