SinceIsabella Beeton , the list of ingredients is what is presented first in a recipe . The product, the products, are even more important than the technique.
As soon as you want to cook well, you are interested in the ingredients. Where do they come from, how are they cultivated / raised, how to recognize the best qualities, how to prepare them, to preserve them …
And then what they bring us, the impact on our health (knowing that I am convinced that there is no bad natural product, if it is consumed in a reasonable way).
And finally, when you live in a place where you can't find "everything", with what ingredient can you replace another ? Does Romanesco cabbage really have an inimitable taste, or is it mostly decorative? How to find the taste of daikon, so used in Japanese cuisine? Are galangal and ginger interchangeable ?
Here you will find this information, and I also tell you about my favorite ingredients, such as mace or cream!