All posts about Material

You can't make good food with­out tech­nique nor equipment.

As I devel­oped my kitchen, I bought more tools, while try­ing to avoid the unnec­es­sary gad­get, or giv­ing up on the recipe that required a tool I would prob­a­bly not use anoth­er time. So I've nev­er spi­ral­ized veg­eta­bles, but I don't need a "veg­etable slicer" thanks to my mandolin.

I've also moved on from I'm fin­ish­ing my non-stick pans, with their crack­ing coat­ing after three years, to grad­u­al­ly replace them with stain­less steel or enam­elled cast iron pans, which are more durable (and I'm dream­ing of buy­ing a cop­per pan).

As I have a small kitchen, I try to apply the prin­ci­ples of min­i­mal­ism to instru­ments: do I real­ly need it? will it last? will it be used often? is it prac­ti­cal? easy to clean (I don't have a dish­wash­er)? If I can't find it here, can I make it myself?

Here you'll find my advice, for the choice and the main­te­nance of all this, my dreams too, if by chance a good fairy was pass­ing by, and indi­ca­tions to find all this in the shop­ping section.

I don't know who first men­tioned a tagine, but the name of this dish and uten­sil is mas­culin, so let's say it once and for all!